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It isn't always easy being a woman but you can embrace it. God created you. You are loved and uniquely you. You may or may not believe that but I hold it as truth. John 1:3 "The Father has loved us so much that we are called children of God. And we really are unique and His children. The reason the people of the world do not know us is that they have not known him."  Rest in this Truth. Be who God intended you to be by taking off your burdens and worries giving them to Him and putting on a New Self - the authentic you. Love Yourself and become and emB.O.L.D.ened Overcomer. Behold You Are Bold!! Find JOY in being a woman and child of God. 

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You have heard people say let's wait til were ready to have children. Plan all you want, you can never be fully prepared. That's ok. There is First-aide from  Holy Spirit. Kiddos, Tweens, Teenagers, Young Adults can be a rollercoaster ride but, just like the ride, so worth it. But know that you WILL need those seat belts and should be ready for whatever comes your way. You can do this. You have help. If you aren't already BOLD or can become an emB.O.L.D.en Overcomer.

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In Masterpiece marriage we discuss HIS design for our lives and marriage. We are never really ready for all that marriage has to offer in the way of Joy and also challenges. God had a sense of humor when he said til death do us part in the wedding vows. He knew we could never phathom in a beautiful ceremony we planned and looked forward to what that really meant. And then there is the in sickness and health and forsaking all others . . . So much to talk about. Sometime so much First-aid from Holy Spirit is needed but It is there. Rest Assured.

*Click on image to the left to read article on marriage.

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